Cafe St Honore

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“I always associate stem ginger with the autumn or winter.  You could use ginger snap biscuits if you prefer. It’s a lovely and light cheesecake made with a curd. I get mine from Errington’s Cheese, but they sell it fast when they have it. This recipe is nice and simple, just be careful with the very hot sugar, and take your time.. I’ve added nasturtium flowers for a bit of fun as they carry on into the autumn in my garden.”

Serves 8 to 10

Prep time: 30 minutes; setting time: 2 to 3 hours


15 digestive biscuits, smashed 

125g unsalted butter, melted

1 teaspoon ground ginger

500g goats curd

500g cream

150g sugar

8 egg yolks

6 leaves of gelatine, soaked in cold water for 2 mins

3 small balls of jarred stem ginger finely diced

2 tablespoons of syrup from the stem ginger jar

A few pieces of poached apple or pear as a garnish (optional)

A few nasturtium flowers as a garnish (optional)


Prepare a bottomless, 10-inch cake tin with greaseproof paper.

Make the base of the cheesecake by combining the biscuit crumbs, ground ginger and melted butter. Press into the cake tin and place in the fridge to set for 15 minutes.

Make a syrup with the sugar and 100ml of water in a pan on the hob. Use a thermometer to take the mixture to 121°C.

Whisk the egg yolks in a bowl whilst slowly trickling in the hot syrup. Continue whisking until the mixture is smooth.

Semi-whip the cream to ribbon stage and add it to the egg yolks and syrup mixture. Also add the goats curd. Whisk again.

Add the gelatine to the now empty syrup pan and melt gently over a low heat. Once melted, add to the cheesecake mix and whisk. Stir in the ginger and ginger syrup.

Pour the mixture onto the chilled cheesecake base and leave to set in the fridge for a couple of hours.

Serve with some poached apple or pear and few nasturtium flowers if you have them.