Cafe St Honore

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“I love the taste of bang-fresh mackerel, and a fresh-off-the-boat prawns. Don’t worry if you can’t get either fish, supplement them with hake, cod, scallops or squid.”

Serves 4

4 fillets of mackerel, bones removed
4 to 6 heritage potatoes, skins left on, boiled until just cooked and sliced
3 to 4 handfuls of baby spinach
4 langoustines, or large prawns, blanched and cut in half
A few sprigs of thyme
Juice from half a lemon
A splash of rapeseed oil for frying
Good salt and pepper 
125g butter
Place a non-stick frying pan on the hob. Heat the oil. Ensure the fish is dry by patting with kitchen paper, then cook skin-side down for 2 to 4 minutes before turning over and cooking for further one minute. Remove the mackerel from the pan, season and set to one side.

With the pan still hot, add the langoustines, a knob of butter and the thyme. Season and cook for 3 minutes.

In a clean pan, heat the remaining butter until frothing then add the sliced potatoes. Season then add the spinach - it will wilt down quite a bit. Once cooked through, season again. Squeeze the lemon over everything.

To serve, divide the potatoes and spinach between four warmed plates, and arrange the mackerel and langoustine on top. Garnish with thyme sprigs and any butter left in the pans.