Cafe St Honore

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“This is delicious, and a perfect al fresco dish to share with friends. The panzanella can easily be made in the morning and kept cool, but the scallops should be cooked just before serving.”

Serves 4


A chunk of leftover bread, crusts removed and cut into 1cm cubes

12 hand-dived scallops, removed from the shell and cleaned

A handful of red and yellow tomatoes, halved and quartered

A few mint and basil leaves

1tbsp capers

1 red onion, finely chopped

1 cucumber, cut into 1cm cubes

50ml bramble vinegar

50ml cold-pressed rapeseed oil

A few radishes, sliced

A few salad leaves

Good salt and freshly-ground black pepper

Knob of butter


Firstly, make the croutons by frying the bread in butter for a couple of minutes, tossing all the time.

Next, heat 25ml of rapeseed oil in a pan. Season the scallops and fry them for a few minutes on each side.

Make the Panzanella by combining the croutons, tomatoes, herbs, capers, red onion, cucumber, vinegar, remaining oil and radishes in a bowl. Season to taste and mix well.

To serve, arrange the salad and scallops between 4 plates and dress with a few salad leaves.