Cafe St Honore

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“A well-deserved title and rarely seen on a menu these days. This recipe is a fabulous way to use up leftover cake. I love that phrase - leftover cake. Is there such a thing? But replacing cake crumbs with breadcrumbs is equally delicious. It’s also a brilliant way to clear the cupboard of old jam. This proper pudding is best served warm so make it and let it sit for a bit before serving. Try serving this one for friends on a bleak, wintery day.”

Makes one pudding


Half a loaf of good bread, and/or cake crumbs, 200g in total

Zest of one lemon

A pinch of nutmeg

220g caster sugar

A knob of butter

4 eggs, separated

2 large tablespoons of any jam you like, I like bramble but raspberry is good

350ml milk

350ml double cream


Firstly, mix the cake and bread crumbs into the milk and cream then add the nutmeg, lemon peel and half the sugar. Give it a good mix then add the egg yolks and mix again. Place into a butter-lined ovenproof dish.

Next, dot wee knobs of butter over the top of the mix. Place the dish in a roasting tin half-filled with hot water and bake at 180°C for 40 to 45 minutes, until just firm to the touch. The deeper the dish, the longer it will take.

Allow to cool slightly then whisk the egg whites until stiff then add gradually add the remaining sugar, a little at a time to make a meringue. Pipe or spoon the meringue in small circles around the edge of the bread pudding (to resemble a crown) and glaze under the grill.

Melt the jam in a pot on the stove and spoon into the centre of the crown of meringue. Serve warm.