Cafe St Honore

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“Do try this product if you haven’t, but only from Arbroath. The flesh is delicious. Warm them in the oven to remove the skin and bones which can be utilised for a stock for risotto or a soup like Cullen Skink.”

Serves 4


2 Arbroath smokies

4 dollops of crème fraîche

2 tablespoons pinhead oats, lightly toasted

4 small handfuls of washed salad leaves, I like a good mix from Phantassie Organics, but rocket is just as good

A squeeze of half a lemon

Good salt and pepper

2 radishes, very thinly sliced

A wee trickle of cold-pressed rapeseed oil


Heat the oven to 150°C. Place the smokies on an ovenproof tray and warm them for around 15 to 20 minutes. Then allow them to cool slightly before peeling the skin off and removing the bones. Keep to one side.

In a large mixing bowl, mix the salad leaves, oats (save a few for a garnish) and crème fraîche. Season with salt, pepper and lemon juice before adding the flaked smokies to the bowl.

Give it a good mix and add a drizzle of cold-pressed rapeseed oil. Have a taste, it may need some more seasoning.

To plate up, distribute the salad between 4 plates and scatter the radishes on top. Then add a few more toasted oats. Delicious.