Cafe St Honore

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“This looks pretty and tastes great. Pigeon is widely available and a great source of protein. Top tip here is to marinate the raw beetroot for as long as you can, as the vinegar breaks down the slices as though it is cooked. Also try to toast the hazelnuts just before you use them, the difference in taste is astonishing.”

Serves 1

Prep time: 20 minutes; cooking time: 2 minutes


1 breast of wild wood pigeon, skin off

1 smallish red beetroot, peeled and washed

1 orange, peeled and cut into small segments

A few watercress leaves

4 to 5 peeled hazelnuts, crushed on the side of a knife, carefully

1 tablespoon good extra-virgin olive oil

1 tablespoon red wine vinegar

Good salt and pepper


Using a mandolin or a very sharp knife cut the beetroot into very thin slices and marinate in all of the vinegar and half of the oil. Season with salt and pepper and set to one side.

Season the pigeon with salt and pepper. Add half of the remaining oil to a frying pan and take to a moderate-to-high heat. Cook the pigeon for 1 minute each side, no more. Remove the pigeon from the pan and set to one side to cool.

Toast the hazelnuts in the same pan and keep warm.

To serve, arrange the beetroot into a fan shape on a plate. Slice the pigeon very thinly lengthways and lay on top of the beetroot. Season the watercress with salt, pepper and a little oil and arrange on top of the pigeon. Scatter over the hazelnuts and orange segments. Add a final sprinkle of salt and eat at once.