Cafe St Honore

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“This dish is simply divine. I love a charred slice of rich brioche, as it lends the bread another flavour. Served here with a sauté of the last of this season’s asparagus and some wild mushrooms. If you can’t get hold of wild mushrooms, button mushrooms would do the trick.”

Serves 2
Prep time 10 minutes; cooking time: 10 minutes


2 slices of pre-made brioche (see recipe below)

4 spears British asparagus

A small handful of brushed wild mushrooms

A knob of butter

1 tablespoon cold-pressed rapeseed oil

1 tablespoon chopped parsley and chives

Good salt and pepper


Begin by blanching the asparagus spears in boiling, salted water for 2 minutes. Refresh under cold running water. Cut into thirds.

Melt the butter in a thick-bottomed frying pan and add the oil. Once at a moderate temperature, fry the mushrooms for a minute or two to add a little colour.

Then add the add the asparagus spears and mix. Season and add the parsley and chives. Check the seasoning and add more if necessary.

Toast or char on the brioche slices on a griddle and rub with a little butter.

Top the toasted brioche slices with asparagus and mushrooms and serve at once.


Makes one loaf
Prep time: 2 hours; cooking time: 1 hour


100g milk
2 eggs
1 egg yolk
7g salt
10g sugar
10g fresh yeast
330g strong bread flour, I only use organic
Zest from half a lemon
100g unsalted butter, softened
75g unsalted butter, melted


Warm the milk with the sugar, yeast and lemon in a pot.

Place the flour, salt, eggs and egg yolks in a food mixer with a dough hook, then add the milk mixture and mix until a good dough is produced. You can also do this by hand.

Place the dough clean, oiled bowl to prove in a warm place for 2 hours until it doubles in size. Then return the dough to the mixer and add the softened butter and beat until all the butter is incorporated.

Press the dough into a buttered and floured terrine mould or bread tin and prove again until the dough reaches the top.

Bake at 185°C for 45 minutes then reduce the temperature for a further 25 minutes to 150°C. Remove from the oven and carefully remove from the tin. Brush all over with the melted butter as it cools.